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Navigating the Impact of Negative Emotions

Embrace Your Emotional Resilience

Navigating the Impact of Negative Emotions

In our interconnected world, we often find ourselves inadvertently absorbing the negative emotions of those around us. This phenomenon, "emotional sponging," can profoundly impact our well-being and outlook. However, by understanding this process and cultivating emotional resilience, we can learn to navigate these challenges and maintain a positive, inspired mindset.

The power of our environment and social connections cannot be overstated. We are deeply influenced by the moods and energies of our friends, family, and even strangers we encounter. Recognising when we are susceptible to "sponging" up these negative vibes and establishing healthy boundaries to protect our emotional state is essential.

Through self-awareness and intentional practices, we can build resilience to weather the storms of negative emotions. By tuning into our feelings, recognising our triggers, and actively choosing how we respond, we...

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Mantras - The Universal sounds


 Mantra is a sound from and of the heart.

Mantra meditation is a form of meditation that involves the repetition of a sacred word, phrase or sound known as a mantra. This practice has deep roots in various spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, as well as in other contemplative practices around the world they are utilized as powerful tools for spiritual growth and self-realization.

In mantra meditation, the repeated chanting or silent repetition of the mantra serves as a focal point for the mind, helping to quiet distractions and cultivate inner peace and spiritual awareness. Mantras are believed to have vibrational qualities that resonate with the practitioner's consciousness, facilitating deeper states of meditation and connection with the divine.

Throughout history, mantra meditation has been used as a tool for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and self-discovery. It is valued for its ability to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of...

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Power your Boredom

The Power of Boredom

Unleash Your Creativity and Discover Yourself!

Holidays are both great times to spend time with family and friends, but for some, it's a time of loneliness and negative emotions.  However, if we embrace these moments to reflect on the past year to plan the future, it can help us live a more fulfilled life.  Life has many challenges to deal with and we are constantly on the move and overloading our senses with daily life, but if we can find to do nothing, simply be bored, and have rest from being stimulated, we allow an empty mind to find ourselves.

Boredom, often seen as an empty feeling or a lack of stimulation, is a state that we have all experienced at some point in our lives. It arises when our minds are not engaged in any meaningful activities, and we find ourselves with nothing to do. But what if I told you that there is more to boredom than meets the eye?

Do you remember when you are well and truly bored, e.g. Reading a label on the food...

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Discover Your Future Self Today !

The future self holds a world of possibilities and untapped potential. It is a realm where our health, relationships, and personal growth converge. As we navigate the winding path of life, we encounter obstacles that test our resilience and determination. But with each challenge overcome, we become stronger and more equipped to shape our destiny.

In the ever-evolving landscape of our lives, the concept of our future self holds immense power and potential. It is a reflection of our aspirations, dreams, and desires - a vision that motivates us to strive for greater health, happiness, and fulfillment.  As we navigate through the obstacles that life presents us with, our future self becomes an anchor - a source of inspiration to overcome challenges and embrace growth. Whether it's longing for stronger connections with siblings or finding purpose in our careers, our future self acts as a roadmap on this transformative journey.

But it's not just about external achievements; it's...

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The Journey from Failure to Success

Unlock your potential Today!

Embrace the Transformational Power of Online Yoga Courses and Embrace Your Journey from Failure to Success!

In this blog, we discover how failure is a stepping stone towards success.   It is through our failures that we learn valuable lessons and develop the techniques and skills necessary to overcome obstacles. Just like in yoga, where we fall out of poses before finding balance, failure teaches us resilience and determination.

Every failure is a chance for growth and self-discovery.  Each setback presents an opportunity for learning and personal development. Embracing failure with a positive mindset allows us to build confidence in our abilities and push ourselves further towards success.

To turn failure into success, it's important to adopt certain techniques. Firstly, embrace a growth mindset. Secondly, learn from your mistakes by reflecting on what went wrong and how you can improve. Thirdly, build confidence by acknowledging your...

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Super charge your Metabolism with online Yoga Course

Supercharge your Metabolism with Yoga



Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey towards a healthier and happier life? Look no further! Our yoga course is specifically designed to not only boost your metabolism but also help you understand your elemental personality, overcome depression, and find relaxation through the power of yoga nidra.

Imagine waking up every morning feeling energized and ready to conquer the day. With our expertly crafted yoga program, you will learn how to activate your body's natural ability to burn calories and increase your metabolic rate. Say goodbye to sluggishness and hello to a revitalized new you!

But our course offers so much more than just physical benefits. We believe in the holistic approach of yoga, which means addressing not only the body but also the mind and spirit. Through carefully curated practices, we will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you understand your elemental personality and tapping...

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What a beautiful topic to dive into!

Oh, self-love! It's like a warm hug for your soul. In a world that often encourages us to be hard on ourselves, practising self-love is an act of pure joy and kindness. It's about embracing our flaws, celebrating our strengths, and nurturing our inner selves.

Self-love is not selfish; it's essential. It allows us to prioritize our well-being and happiness, enabling us to show up as the best versions of ourselves in all aspects of life. From setting healthy boundaries to practising self-care rituals, there are countless ways we can shower ourselves with love each day.

In a world that often tells us we're not enough, self-love is the powerful act of saying "I am enough." It's about recognizing our worthiness and prioritizing our own well-being. When we practice self-love, we create a foundation of happiness and fulfilment from within.

Self-love can take many forms - from practising self-care rituals to setting boundaries that honour our...

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Harmonise Body and Mind

The connection with body and mind establishes harmony.  To harmonise body and mind there, is a minimum requirement to prepare the self to study the mind, and its fluctuations from negative to positive mind.

We have been trained to disconnect our thoughts and emotions.  But our mind and our emotions are with us 24/7, 365 days, every minute, every second of the day. We rarely think about the fundamental relationship to the mind.

When we can master and command the mind, we can enjoy life with abundance.

Our mind is:

Your best friend and your worst enemy.

Whosoever controls the mind, controls the entire psyche of the universe.

 Is responsible for all our troubles – success and failure.

Mind can travel beyond time and space.

The mind can use imagination for creation and destruction


Once you have established relationship with mind and breath, the body begins the journey to harmony.  The connection impacts the mood, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. The...

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Dance with the Moon

The moon is as part of our life as water is. The question is how do we enhance our health and wellbeing by connecting to the Moon cycles?

The moon cycles are connected to feminine lunar energy of production and manifesting.

Each 14-day moon cycle (full moon and new moon) affects and guides our mood and mental health – have you noticed how you feel during full moon and new moon cycles?

The gravity of the moon pulls at the earth, causing rice and fall in sea levels known as tides and the cycle slows down the Earth’s rotation.

The Moon affects Earth in several ways. The first and most obvious is through the provision of moonlight, with a full Moon coming around every 29.5 days, and a new Moon following 14.8 days after that. Then there’s the Moon’s gravitational pull, which creates the ocean tides that rise and fall every 12.4 hours. The height of those tides also follows roughly two-week cycles – the 14.8 day “spring-neap cycle”, which...

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A Life Journey of Colours Ajna - Sixth Chakra

The Sixth chakra:

  • Name: Ajna, Brhu, Dvidal Padma (Third eye)
  • Meaning: Command, Point between the two eyebrows
  • Location: Medulla Plexus, Pineal plexus point
  • Colour: Transparent, luminescent, bluish or camphor white
  • Element: All elements (mahat/Mahatattva)
  • Work organs: Pineal gland, Nervous system
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Plane: Plane of Austerity
  • Seed Sound: AUM
  • Aspect: Self-realisation
  • Body association: Eyes
  • Key words: Intuition, perception, sixth sense, vision

The sixth chakra, the Ajna chakra/third Eye is the seat of intuitions, connected with lower triangle. The invisible yet powerful third is key to living in bliss.

The Ajna Chakra allows you to see beyond physical eyes, let’s you see through the darkness and perceive the realms beyond time and space.

Unbalanced Ajna chakra characteristics can be:

  •  Being ‘out of it’ out of the body or out of touch with the body
  •  Confusion of what is real and what appears to be real.
  •  Hiding in intellectual...
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