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Dance with the Moon

The moon is as part of our life as water is. The question is how do we enhance our health and wellbeing by connecting to the Moon cycles?

The moon cycles are connected to feminine lunar energy of production and manifesting.

Each 14-day moon cycle (full moon and new moon) affects and guides our mood and mental health – have you noticed how you feel during full moon and new moon cycles?

The gravity of the moon pulls at the earth, causing rice and fall in sea levels known as tides and the cycle slows down the Earth’s rotation.

The Moon affects Earth in several ways. The first and most obvious is through the provision of moonlight, with a full Moon coming around every 29.5 days, and a new Moon following 14.8 days after that. Then there’s the Moon’s gravitational pull, which creates the ocean tides that rise and fall every 12.4 hours. The height of those tides also follows roughly two-week cycles – the 14.8 day “spring-neap cycle”, which...

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A Life Journey of Colours Sahasrara - Seventh Chakra

The Seventh chakra

Name: Sahasrara, Shunya, Niralambapuri

Meaning: thousand-petaled, void, dwelling place without support.

Location: top of the cranium, cerebral

Colour:  variegated colours of the rainbow

Element: Akasha

Work organs: Cerebral plexus, Central Nervous system

Ruling Planet: Ketu

Plane: Truth and reality

Seed Sound: AH and KSHA

Body association: Pineal Gland

Keywords: Divine knowledge, understanding, acceptance, bliss


The Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the head and is also known as the Crown Chakra. It is the final and 7th chakra.  The chakra created a strong connection with self and universal energies. A balanced chakra allows the universal flow of energy and spiritual enlightenment.

The person-centred in this chakra will know the unknown and be conscious of the infinite. They will have experienced reality beyond the realm of the physical plane and body.

The crown chakra affects the whole body and especially mental health, such as...

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A Life Journey of Colours Visuddha - Fifth Chakra

 The Fifth chakra:

  • Name: Visuddha, Kanth Padma, Shodash Dala
  • Meaning: Pure, Throat Lotus, sixteen petals
  • Location: Neck Region, Throat
  • Colour: Smoky Purple
  • Element: Akasha
  • Work organs: Mouth, Vocal Cords
  • Predominant Sense & Organ: Ears and Hearing
  • Ruling Planet: Jupiter
  • Plane: Human Plane (where the great spiritual darkness ends)
  • Air (Vayu, prana): Udana, the air that dwells in the throat and head region that carries air up through the head aiding in the production of sound.


Visuddhi or Vishuddha, essentially means filter. If your Visuddhi is active, it filters everything. Poisons can enter you in many ways – a wrong thought, emotion, idea, energy, or impulse can poison your life.

The spoken words from the throat chakra. It gives expression to the emotions from the heart.  Words spoken from a balanced throat chakra penetrates the heart of the listener.  The internal and external space changes with the vibration of the spoken word.  The emotions...

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Sense of Purpose : Awaken Your Dormant Energy

What is a sense of purpose?

We grow up with expectations created by parents, the education system, and the environment, but these are expectations.  They don’t always give us a sense of purpose.

A sense of purpose helps us to have clarity as to why we do what we do daily. It gives a reason to get up in the morning.  So, when do you realise that you have a sense of purpose in your life to reach goals? 

There are many goals in life, e.g., to study, work, train for a profession, and serve the community, these goals motivate us to work hard, towards achieving our purpose and give our life direction for a meaningful and satisfying life.

How does one cultivate a sense of purpose?  Life is made of going to work, paying off bills, raising children and leisure time.  But this is controlled by our environment, and it can be difficult to break away from the routine. The routine sucks you in and usually, illness or tragedy diverts the attention.  The sense of...

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The Eleven Yogic Bodies

The universe is made of several layers, with layers beneath us, layers around us and layers above us. Our body corresponds to the universal layers and has its own multiple layers.  The physical body is the visible layer, we can see.  However, all the other layers are invisible, but when we are in tune with our environment and ourselves, we engage with all the 11 bodies.

You can’t control the events around you, but you can control how you relate to those events.  Instead of being reactive, you can use your 11 bodies so that your inner peace remains unspoiled. 

Our thoughts can direct energy such as the negative mind which limits programs about life and about self, such as, you’re too fat, nobody appreciates you, etc.  It’s time to change what you pay attention to and focus on your greatness, subtlety, grace, and majesty.  The psychic heat you generate by focusing on your greatness will just burn up all that old pain!

These are...

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