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A Life Journey of Colours Ajna - Sixth Chakra

The Sixth chakra:

  • Name: Ajna, Brhu, Dvidal Padma (Third eye)
  • Meaning: Command, Point between the two eyebrows
  • Location: Medulla Plexus, Pineal plexus point
  • Colour: Transparent, luminescent, bluish or camphor white
  • Element: All elements (mahat/Mahatattva)
  • Work organs: Pineal gland, Nervous system
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Plane: Plane of Austerity
  • Seed Sound: AUM
  • Aspect: Self-realisation
  • Body association: Eyes
  • Key words: Intuition, perception, sixth sense, vision

The sixth chakra, the Ajna chakra/third Eye is the seat of intuitions, connected with lower triangle. The invisible yet powerful third is key to living in bliss.

The Ajna Chakra allows you to see beyond physical eyes, let’s you see through the darkness and perceive the realms beyond time and space.

Unbalanced Ajna chakra characteristics can be:

  •  Being ‘out of it’ out of the body or out of touch with the body
  •  Confusion of what is real and what appears to be real.
  •  Hiding in intellectual...
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A Life Journey of Colours Sahasrara - Seventh Chakra

The Seventh chakra

Name: Sahasrara, Shunya, Niralambapuri

Meaning: thousand-petaled, void, dwelling place without support.

Location: top of the cranium, cerebral

Colour:  variegated colours of the rainbow

Element: Akasha

Work organs: Cerebral plexus, Central Nervous system

Ruling Planet: Ketu

Plane: Truth and reality

Seed Sound: AH and KSHA

Body association: Pineal Gland

Keywords: Divine knowledge, understanding, acceptance, bliss


The Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the head and is also known as the Crown Chakra. It is the final and 7th chakra.  The chakra created a strong connection with self and universal energies. A balanced chakra allows the universal flow of energy and spiritual enlightenment.

The person-centred in this chakra will know the unknown and be conscious of the infinite. They will have experienced reality beyond the realm of the physical plane and body.

The crown chakra affects the whole body and especially mental health, such as...

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