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Harmonise Body and Mind

The connection with body and mind establishes harmony.  To harmonise body and mind there, is a minimum requirement to prepare the self to study the mind, and its fluctuations from negative to positive mind.

We have been trained to disconnect our thoughts and emotions.  But our mind and our emotions are with us 24/7, 365 days, every minute, every second of the day. We rarely think about the fundamental relationship to the mind.

When we can master and command the mind, we can enjoy life with abundance.

Our mind is:

Your best friend and your worst enemy.

Whosoever controls the mind, controls the entire psyche of the universe.

 Is responsible for all our troubles – success and failure.

Mind can travel beyond time and space.

The mind can use imagination for creation and destruction


Once you have established relationship with mind and breath, the body begins the journey to harmony.  The connection impacts the mood, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. The...

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