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A Life Journey of Colours Ajna - Sixth Chakra

The Sixth chakra:

  • Name: Ajna, Brhu, Dvidal Padma (Third eye)
  • Meaning: Command, Point between the two eyebrows
  • Location: Medulla Plexus, Pineal plexus point
  • Colour: Transparent, luminescent, bluish or camphor white
  • Element: All elements (mahat/Mahatattva)
  • Work organs: Pineal gland, Nervous system
  • Ruling Planet: Saturn
  • Plane: Plane of Austerity
  • Seed Sound: AUM
  • Aspect: Self-realisation
  • Body association: Eyes
  • Key words: Intuition, perception, sixth sense, vision

The sixth chakra, the Ajna chakra/third Eye is the seat of intuitions, connected with lower triangle. The invisible yet powerful third is key to living in bliss.

The Ajna Chakra allows you to see beyond physical eyes, let’s you see through the darkness and perceive the realms beyond time and space.

Unbalanced Ajna chakra characteristics can be:

  •  Being ‘out of it’ out of the body or out of touch with the body
  •  Confusion of what is real and what appears to be real.
  •  Hiding in intellectual...
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The Eleven Yogic Bodies

The universe is made of several layers, with layers beneath us, layers around us and layers above us. Our body corresponds to the universal layers and has its own multiple layers.  The physical body is the visible layer, we can see.  However, all the other layers are invisible, but when we are in tune with our environment and ourselves, we engage with all the 11 bodies.

You can’t control the events around you, but you can control how you relate to those events.  Instead of being reactive, you can use your 11 bodies so that your inner peace remains unspoiled. 

Our thoughts can direct energy such as the negative mind which limits programs about life and about self, such as, you’re too fat, nobody appreciates you, etc.  It’s time to change what you pay attention to and focus on your greatness, subtlety, grace, and majesty.  The psychic heat you generate by focusing on your greatness will just burn up all that old pain!

These are...

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