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A Life Journey of Colours Sahasrara - Seventh Chakra

The Seventh chakra

Name: Sahasrara, Shunya, Niralambapuri

Meaning: thousand-petaled, void, dwelling place without support.

Location: top of the cranium, cerebral

Colour:  variegated colours of the rainbow

Element: Akasha

Work organs: Cerebral plexus, Central Nervous system

Ruling Planet: Ketu

Plane: Truth and reality

Seed Sound: AH and KSHA

Body association: Pineal Gland

Keywords: Divine knowledge, understanding, acceptance, bliss


The Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the head and is also known as the Crown Chakra. It is the final and 7th chakra.  The chakra created a strong connection with self and universal energies. A balanced chakra allows the universal flow of energy and spiritual enlightenment.

The person-centred in this chakra will know the unknown and be conscious of the infinite. They will have experienced reality beyond the realm of the physical plane and body.

The crown chakra affects the whole body and especially mental health, such as depression, doubt, alienation, confusion and difficulty with coordination both physically and mentally.

Through regular practice of Yoga and meditation, the mind and body are purified, and a person can experience the higher aspect of one's being. This aspect enables a person to become a neutral observer of life, non-acquisitive, and content with life. They become observe life without psychodrama.  A balanced Sahasrara chakra gives control over breath and mind and goes beyond the elements and this is where the Kundalini awakens.


Unbalanced Sahasrara chakra characteristics can be:

  • Abuse of ‘lower’ life forms (human imperialism)
  • Doubt and denial of the spiritual reality
  • Religious extremism

Balanced Sahasrara chakra characteristics can be:

  • Bliss: being in but not of this world
  • The experience of all as one
  • The integration, expression, and actualisation of peak experience
  • Saintliness
  • Samadhi

The colour is associated with the Sahasrara Chakra:

  • violet
  • white
  • Rainbow

The Sahasrara chakra is also associated with the following gemstones:

  • Amethyst
  • Clear Quartz
  • Lepidolite
  • Ametrine
  • Danburite
  • Seraphinite
  • Selenite
  • Labradorite


 Yoga for 7th Chakra:

Ego Eradicator



Ego Eradicator opens the lungs, consolidates the magnetic field, and brings the brain hemispheres to a state of alertness. 

Posture: This exercise can be done in Easy Pose or Rock Pose. Raise the arms up to a 60-degree angle. Keep the elbows straight and the shoulders down. Apply Neck Lock. Curl the fingertips onto the pads of the palms at the base of the fingers. Thumbs are stretched back, pointing towards each other.

Eyes: Eyes are closed.

Mental Focus: Focus above the head.

Breath: Breath of Fire

Time: Continue for 1 - 3 minutes.

To end: Inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumb tips touching. Open the fingers, exhale, and relax the arms down. 

Breath of Fire

To learn Breath of Fire, start by panting through your mouth like a puppy on a hot day.

The breath of fire is one of the fundamental breathing techniques used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga as well as in several other styles of Yoga. It is done by pumping from the centre of the navel while breathing rapidly through the nose. It is always practised through the nostrils with the mouth closed.

When should you not practice Breath of Fire?

Breath of Fire should not be done by menstruating or pregnant women, or children younger than 16. If you want to feel calmer, centred and focused - make Breath of Fire an automatic part of your routine, for 40 days, and you'll see major shifts in your mind, body and spirit.

Mantras for Sahasrara Chakra:

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