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Extend your Energy Field



The five elements - (earth, water, fire,  either and air) are present in our body. These elements change with the external environment, e.g, in autumn and spring, our body begins to change to welcome summer and winter. 


The elements are waves of frequency. These waves of energy create balance and imbalance in our body - physical, mental, and emotional. 


The Marma points in the body activate the meridian pathways to enable the energy to travel around the body. The flow of energy is interrupted when Marma points are blocked, which manifests as physical and emotional symptoms.


Meditation and Yoga connect mind and body to extend the energy field to project out. The energy field can be felt by animals and some humans, thus creating a calming effect in the immediate surrounding. 


Regular practice helps to calm the heart, mind, and emotions. Additionally, it clears the mind to reduce unnecessary traumas and drama in life.



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